
Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Poorly pony

Selfie with the hubby!

There's lots going on at the moment, and it's starting to get dark and dismal of an evening. I took the plunge and invested in a visit from Donna Blinman for Rio last week. I had a niggling feeling that something wasn't quite right with him, as he's been getting more and more reactive in his spooks, and had been getting less attentive whilst playing on line. Boy was I glad I went for it!

So it turns out Rio has problems with his stomach. It could explain his spooking, and why he can't control his adrenaline and bring it back down when he does spook. It could also explain why he's been uncomfortable backing up, and brushes behind with his hind feet. It may be the reason that he's been stretching his head down to the ground when I've been mounting him to ride for the last few weeks. My poor guy was pretty sore - Donna was quite surprised we had been out riding, and spent most of his appointment working on his stomach. He's been such a trooper and barely showed me he was in pain, but I'm so glad I followed my gut instinct. 

He's now on green clay, and out of ridden work for a few weeks to let him get more comfortable again. Fingers crossed it all starts to come good again soon!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Misty mornings and lush hacks

Misty mornings are upon us, and the temperatures are starting to drop overnight. Rug season is here, and yes I rug my Welsh Cob!

We had a fantastic ride out at King's Forest a couple of weeks ago. 2 1/2 hours of unadulterated forestry and tracks, and the most awesome canters. Rio was a total superstar and really surprised me with his stamina. So much love for this boy!

He wasn't so impressed with his hair 'do' when I took his plait out though, teehee.

I also went to Burghley for the XC phase again this year. We were at the crossing when Andrew Hoy was unseated, but luckily didn't see any of the other tumbles! My lovely hubby came along for his first experience, and I think he almost enjoyed the day. 

And to finish off - a bit of 3 way boy love after a pleasant hack out around the village with the girls whilst Franks and Sarah were away in the New Forest!