
Thursday, 31 July 2014

Growing up with Rio

I was looking through my (hundreds of!) photos of Rio last night, right back to the day he arrived with me on 20/11/2013. That's this first one. The other two are from the first couple of months of having him.

The bottom right is the "before" in these. It's from March 2014. It's probably just me, but he looks much better in the two "after" photos, perhaps it's just where his neck has chunked out a bit - along with the rest of him! 

This is 17/12/2013 vs. 20/07/2014. Definitely happy he's had his mane pulled. Seeing the difference here really makes it pop. Now just to get the stumpy bit of mane under control and he will look super handsome.

I think you can see even in his face that he has grown up, but again that's probably just me being sentimental! I think the beard is the next tidy-up project, that will make him look much smarter. 

Ride / play safe x


  1. He has grown up! And looking much better in the after photos. I can't wait to see the comparison photos after a year :)

  2. Thank you Rosa :) I can't believe how much he's grown up already. He's got a bit of a teenage attitude now to boot!
